Sweet Tart Shot

Sweet Tart Shot1

Shooter or Small Rocks Glass
Method: Shake/Strain

1 oz. Chambord2
1 oz. Sour Mix3 4
1 oz. Southern Comfort 5

Garnish: None

THERE’S A 2ND VERSION OF THE SWEET TART SHOT from Alexys Stover which is:

Raspberry Vodka (of White Gummi-Bear fame)
Blue Island Pucker
Cranberry Juice

(reported to “sell like hot cakes” 🙂
Copyright © Up or on the Rocks – Sweet Tart Shot Shooter Cocktail

Footnotes 👇
  1. “Sweet Tart Shot” was recorded once, on April 14th of 2008 as a drink called “Anonymous” on the site “Drink Recipes Bar (dot com)” That site is no longer up.[]
  2. Chambord is a Cognac based Raspberry of very high reputation and quality. DeKuyper Razzmatazz may be substituted but as with other products they make, you may wind up with high fructose corn syrup and artificial flavors giving your Sweet Tart Shot a flat, cloying taste without any finesse to it. A third the price of Chambord, if the customers are already tanked up they may not care, but just so you know.[]
  3. NOTE: As this drink is a little sweet already, you may want to try this with straight fresh Lemon Juice to see if your customers prefer it that way better[]
  4. How to Make FRESH Sour Mix from Scratch, With or Without Egg Whites

  5. Southern Comfort was originally called “Cuffs and Buttons”, and is an American Bourbon Based fruit-flavored liqueur (sweet, 70 Calories per Shot) with fruit (peaches dominant) and spice accents. The brand was originally created by Martin Wilkes Heron (July 4, 1850 to April 17, 1920. An Irish American bartender, saloon-keeper, and liquor manufacturer often credited as being the “original mixologist” long before the term became widely popular. M.W. Heron is best known for creating the Whiskey based liqueur known as Southern Comfort in New Orleans in 1874). Manufactured in various Proofs in the USA: 100 proof, 80 proof, 70 proof, 60 proof, and 42 proof. Manufactured today by the Sazerac Company.[]
Footnotes 👆