Hawaiian Punch Shot

Hawaiian Punch Shot

Glassware: Shooter or Small Rocks
Method: Shake/Strain

1/2 oz Southern Comfort
1/2 oz Sloe Gin
1/2 oz Orange Juice
1/2 oz Amaretto

Garnish: None

Mnemonics: (Sammy) Sosa
Sloe Gin

MNEMONIC NOTE: (click to open)
MNEMONICS NOTE: I prefer using Anagrams (first letter of each word forms a word, or a few words) because it’s hard to always form sentences from the first word (Acrostics) that make sense. I’m not an avid baseball fan but I know Sammy Sosa was a Right Fielder / Outfielder with the Cubs. As a quick device, “SOSA” only has to be associated with Hawaiian Punch Shot. The “Hawaiian Punch” character’s name is “PUNCHY” and he wears a blue and white striped shirt, which, by the way, is the same color combination of Sammy Sosa’s blue and white striped Cubs jersey. A stretch of the imagination, but it gives you a hook to associate this drink to the anagram SOSA. I also like that his number is 21 — the legal minimum drinking age. Punchy (SOSA) can be Hawaiian “Surfing” on a baseball bat instead of a surf board … Then, when you hear the name “Hawaiian Punch Shot” you can think of Punchy surfing on a baseball bat — which reminds you that it’s SOSA — SoCo, OJ, Sloe Gin, Amaretto.

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