There Are 6 Types of Workers. Understanding Them Can Help You Beat the Great Resignation |

An article I saw on LinkedIn, published by INC. It categorizes workers into six types, and understanding the types better is supposed to (I’m guessing) give businesses an edge in retaining employees post pandemic shut-down to survive and somehow better strategize how to slow all of the employee resignations.

Me: “TEAM – There is no ‘I’ in TEAM!”

Apparently, through research, six types of worker are showing up, and only three types have anything to do with “team”:


GIVERS, and 


There are also ARTISANS but they’re more like cats – herding them is, well, no mention of team there at all, right? So I think not.

The study almost seems to suggest that you can’t expect much from these team players.

One of two types emphasizing “team” is the OPERATOR:


The operator is the traditional work-to-live type, the reports says “operators find meaning and self-worth primarily outside of their jobs.

Operators are one of the more team-minded archetypes, and often see many of their colleagues as friends.”

Strengths: team players. Weaknesses: not proactive, easily disengaged. 

One of the other two types that mention team is the “GIVERS” (somewhat good for teams) – …Their empathetic nature typically translates into a strong team spirit and deep personal relationships at work. …


The Givers’ Strengths: selfless, help build trust within an organization. Weaknesses: sometimes impractical or naive.”

The second of the two “Team” groups are the STRIVERS – these guys are what, by most corporate management measures, represents themselves. In fact though, NOT good team players. 🙂 Most interesting!⁸


“Strivers have a strong desire to make something of themselves. They are motivated by professional success, and value status and compensation….

Strengths: disciplined and transparent. Weaknesses: their competitiveness can degrade trust and camaraderie within teams.”

If I had to classify myself I’d say, probably, Giver, Artisan, Striver. I want to do great beautiful things, and learn them, and do them the best and share them while helping others to reach their limits too – but want nothing to do with slowing down, doing less, reducing standards, or “becoming one of the guys” if that means not being on fire every day. I’m happy to coach, encourage, and train others – or learn from anyone who’s stronger in areas I can improve in.