The Passion Bomb Shooter

Passion Bomb is another bomb shot or shooter using an energy drink as a base ingredient. Increase your passion with this bomb shot.

Glass: Rocks or Shooter
Method: Shake / Strain

1 oz. Light Rum
1 oz. Passion Fruit (Either real Passion Fruit Juice, or something like Malibu Passion Fruit flavored Rum from Barbados)
3/4 of a glass of Energy Drink (Red Bull or Monster)

Serve the Energy Drink with the Shooter on the side

Garnish: None

BELOW: General Video on how to make shooters. NOTE: In this video he says shooters are typically 3 ounces, but usually it’s only 2 ounces. Also note that some of his recipes are wrong (the Kamikaze for instance, which is a 3 ingredient drink, he says is a 2 ingredient drink).