Behind the Bar: Make Sure Your Ice Is Cold. Bartending 101



There’s a whole science to Mixology, and it starts with the most basic element: ICE



Now while the above video is all about making crystal clear ice (a really neat trick!), one thing most people never think about is the temperature of ice. If someone asked a manager, customer or the bartender “How COLD is the ice behind the bar?” Most would likely laugh and answer “Why, 32 degrees of course, it’s ‘ICE'” (That was my answer the first time I read the statement that it’s important to make sure the ice behind the bar is cold.)


The fact is though that there is no reason ice can’t just get colder and colder (outside of the extreme price involved) until it reaches absolute zero. What’s important about that is that a bar with ice bins filled with ice that’s 32 degrees doesn’t have cold ice. It has ice that’s one degree away from water; you can’t make properly chilled drinks with it.


If your bar is busy and you’re constantly going through ice all night long, don’t worry about changing it, but if you’re on during the day or when it’s slow, particularly if the bar has been shut down overnight, melt the ice and fill it up with fresh ice. Your customers will appreciate it.